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Lake Success, by Gary Shteyngart

Ebook Herunterladen Lake Success, by Gary Shteyngart
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Shteyngart, perhaps more than any American writer of his generation, is a natural. The wit and the immigrant's sense of heartbreak just seem to pour from him (The New York Times)Uproariously funny, bitingly satiric, yet also warm and big-hearted (Boston Globe)SPECTACULAR... More than just an artistic tour de force, Lake Success succeeds in saying something big about America today. By turns compassionate and mournful, wickedly satirical and ultimately aspirational. He captures what Philip Roth once called the 'indigenous American berserk' (NPR/Fresh Air)A novel in which comedy and pathos are exquisitely balanced (Washington Post)Gary Shteyngart hears America perfectly; its fatuity, its poignant lament, its boisterous self-loathing. Its heartbeat. Reading him sometimes makes me want to scream - with recognition and with pure hilarity (Richard Ford)An unforgettable road trip through an America that's ominously divided, wildly diverse, and weirdly familiar. Gary Shteyngart writes with brutal honesty, virtuoso wit, and stubborn compassion for his deeply flawed but still somehow lovable characters (Tom Perrotta, bestselling author of 'The Leftovers')The funniest book you'll read all year. A rollicking and zinger-filled road trip [and] a poignant tale of a man trying to outrace his problems. Epic, melancholy, staggeringly beautiful (Maria Semple, author of 'Where'd You Go, Bernadette?')A trip through the American wasteland - from the people who have too little, to the people who have too much. Incredibly smart, incredibly funny, incredibly tragic, and therefore incredibly human, this is the perfect novel for these dysfunctional times (Nathan Hill, author of 'The Nix')A novel reflecting with perfect comedy and horrible tragedy exactly what America feels like right this minute. I barked with laughter, at the same time as wincing in pain. Shteyngart has held up a mirror to American culture that is so accurate and so devastating... Stupendous (Elizabeth Gilbert)Lake Success is a genial and warm-hearted book...a virtuoso piece of work, full of brilliant noticings...an unhysterical novel about a hysterical country at a hysterical time - the work of a novelist who believes in the power of fiction to illuminate out shared world. (Literary Review 2018-09-01)
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Gary Shteyngart is the New York Times bestselling author of the memoir Little Failure (a National Book Critics Circle Award finalist) and the novels Super Sad True Love Story (winner of the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize), Absurdistan, The Russian Debutante's Handbook (winner of the Stephen Crane Award for First Fiction and the National Jewish Book Award for Fiction) and Lake Success. His books regularly appear on best-of lists around the world and have been published in thirty countries.
Taschenbuch: 352 Seiten
Verlag: Penguin (6. Juni 2019)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0241984084
ISBN-13: 978-0241984086
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,9 x 2,1 x 19,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.0 von 5 Sternen
4 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 44.110 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
A book with no plot and no theme in which any remotely normal person would have any conceivable relation. If this is the cream of American literature then OMG. Not even a book one could leave lying round the house in case your teenagers read it and think it represents any sort of normality at all. Bonfire of the Vanities knocked the socks off this. I only bought it because it was reviewed in the Economist. I ploughed through to the end because I trusted the Economist. The fiction line reminds me of a string of Facebook posts with the obscene and illegal taken out. Just checked out the official reviews listed: the book is not funny mostly. Americans are marketing kings - don't keep reading in the hope that the funny parts turn up. They don't. It is a too long short story: though well written and thus not painful to read. The issues concerning childhood/parenting are rather well done.
Barry Cohen is the Hedge Fund manager we all love to hate. He has clawed his way from a modest lower middle class background in Queens via Princeton all the way to the 0.1% by appropriating “our†savings. But he and his brilliant wife with a Tamil heritage bear an autistic son, which causes Barry to rethink his ways and embark on a cross-country Greyhound bus voyage of self discovery. What he finds is far from perfect: nevertheless, we cannot help but feel a twinge of sympathy for this otherwise unlikeable character. The dawn of the Age of Donald Trump provides the perfect backdrop to this engaging and often very amusing tale.
"Schuster bleib bei deinen Leisten". Das ist der beste Satz, der dieses Buch beschreibt. Ich habe bis jetzt alle Shteyngart's Bücher gelesen. Einzelne sogar mehrmals. Dieses eine Buch ist weder spannend, noch witzig. Schade, dass Shteyngart nicht mehr über seine russische Vergangheit und seine slavischen Charaktere schreibt. Dieses Buch ist leider ein Reinfall und ist keinesfalls vergleichbar mit Absurdistan, Super Sad True Love Story oder sogar Little Failure (welches im Gegensatz zu früheren Büchern bereits eine ernstere Note angeschlagen hat). Es bringt auch nichts, Ben Stiller für ein Werbevideo für dieses Buch zu verpflichten; es bleibt nicht witzig und sehr vorhersehbar.
Brillant modern road-trip-book. Thorough and deep insights into a trader‘s mind who would like to be a more complex person than just a buy low sell high-guy. Stringent depiction of his wife‘s world and thinking. Sometimes the excursions about his autistic son are a bit contrived - as to add additional gravity to the story. Which it already has.
This is a story about folks in the 0.01% in Trump's America - told through two folks - a rich banker and his beautiful Asian wife, who discover their son has a terrible illness, So how do they deal with it ? - by obssessing over very expensive whisky, endless lists of expensive watches, and having meaningless affairs with nearly everyone they meet, of course. But worry not, even if they are very careful not to be sexist, anti-Semitic, homobphobic or racist at all , they are not not very sympathetic or interesting characters anyway! Nor very credible, the main character is a very rich banker who thinks he is making a big life change, a journey of discovery by setting out on trip on Greyhound . He is awakened to the 'real' America apparently by having a Mexican sleep on his shoulder, having an affair with a African-American young woman (very pretty of course), mooches off the WASP parents of his former girlfriend and his Korean American protege (who he had secretly fired), All too forget the fact that his Indian American wife (very pretty of course) had called him 'without soul or imagination' and then proceeded to have an affair with a jewish Guatemalan writer (with a low Amazon rank it is noted) , then confiding the details in her Korean bf. Meanwhile our banker gets his desserts sharing some crack with a homeless and then pleasuring him. If you arent convinced by now that this is possibly one of the most contrived, fake, and underwhelming stories you will force yourself to finish, then sorry for my interruption, please indulge in this nonsense.
I learned what a watch winder was! A book hung up on watches and watch winders or maybe I am. Billionaires and humor and observations of America as a late middle-aged man with too much falls apart and travels across America on a Grey Hound, with other plot points and assorted chaos in passing. Lake Success got a great review from NPR so I bought it. Well Ok, I like it, but "sprawling" and "great" I don't think so! It is too short to be sprawling and it is not well enough written to be great, but it does talk about Billionaire affectations as the billionaire has a breakdown and decides to travel with the 'smelly people' on a Greyhound from La di dah to la di da and Texas and on to California and this main character has a watch fetish, and this is where I learned of watch winders. And I suppose that is sad about him and sad about the book and the country the novel attempts to satirize.
I agree with the assessment of another reviewer. Almost every character was a caricature. From super rich hedge fund guy, Barry, to his Indian professor in-laws, to his autistic son. Barry had a boring fixation for vintage watches which was tedious to read about. Also peppered throughout was the currently de rigueur Trump bashing which is tiresome and unoriginal. Very superficial characters that were difficult to care about.
I've been a fan of Gary Shteyngart since The Russian Debutante's Handbook, so I looked forward to Lake Success with great anticipation, which was only partially rewarded.Lake Success tells the story of Barry Cohen and his wife Seema, one percenters whose lives have come badly unglued. Their dreams of perfect children have been shattered by the birth of an autistic son; Barry's hedge fund is under scrutiny from the SEC for insider trading, and their marriage is unraveling. Against this backdrop, Barry takes off for a Greyhound bus journey across America, ostensibly a trip to rediscover and redeem himself.Shteyngart's eye for the insane excesses of the ultra-rich is dead-on; he endlessly catalogues their narcissism, their petty materialism, their smug certainty that they are morally superior for having accumulated obscene wealth, and their elaborate self-justification. All of that makes for familiar territory, and Shteyngart mines the abundant comic potential for all it's worth.But where the novel falters is in its attempt to show moral redemption. To be blunt, Barry's lengthy sojourn on Greyhound buses, together with the slow realization that he is a lucky fraud, are not convincing. Similarly, Seema's hypocritical acceptance of her life of privilege without self-examination, followed by a pivot to acceptance of her past, is equally tepid. I understand that Shteyngart needed some plot structure to build a novel around, and eventually both Barry and Seema come to terms with their son, but the novel feels more like a series of funny sketches than a coherent and believable narrative. I laughed and enjoyed Lake Success, but it felt a little like gorging on junk food; there wasn't all that much substance.
This is basically a kind of cynical road-to movie--well, not really. But the protagonist, Barry Cohen, does travel across country on a mission to find himself, after his high-end Manhattan hedge-fund life implodes. A master of irony, Shteyngart displays an amazing, granular knowledge of finance, the autism spectrum, "flyover" geography, and artisanal watches--or at least enough to fool me. In alternate chapters, we follow the exploits of Barry's abandoned wife, Seema, which I found less interesting. Maybe it's because I'm a guy, but so is Shteyngart, and he's better on the male characters than the female ones. Seema's chapters are mostly about her connections with others--her lovers, her son, her parents--and, I suspect, would never pass the Bechdel test. Still, the overall story has a gripping, propulsive narrative drive. Even when Barry, a sort of anti-hero, falls into absurd depravity, you just can't stop reading. This may be Shteyngart's best fiction yet!
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